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UEFA is planning to expand the Champions League following the new format

Image by jorono from Pixabay

Image by jorono from Pixabay

Aristocrat clubs who are unable to get selected through local competitions are getting a benefit from the UEFA. UEFA is planning to undertake a remarkable extension of the champion league. It projects to include back up slots and group- stage phrases. European domestic companies will scheme to modify the pattern of the competition from 2024. On Tuesday, 55 associated national leaders would be informed and instructed about the scheme and its execution.

UEFA’s motive is to reject the plan and bring on the table a tough competition. It is claimed to be instigated by Barcelona and Real Madrid, which is to be moderated by the selections through local leagues.

The associated press has been informed by people familiar with the plan that the number of group stage participants are expected to increase from 32 to 36. It is also declared that a single team has been promised to play ten games rather than 6. Although countries like Germany, Europe, Spain, and Italy have been assured four slots in the group stage, capable groups can qualify if not selected to the top four of their leagues. Such teams have extra group stage slots supporting their skills, which generally depends on the significant and celebrated record in Europe.

A format of the “Swiss system” Will be replacing the current configuration of an eight group. The new variation would transform the whole game pattern according to UEFA with a positive result.

The third team has to go through the selection process while the fourth team, which is an extra, can go to France as it has only two assured group-stage slots.

Based on the previous seasons’ ranking, all 36 players would be placed together on the same table. The ones selected as the top eight would be eligible to play the round of 16 spontaneous. At the same time, the other 16 teams would compete to get qualified through the knockout stage. On Thursday, the premier League club negotiated the process and the scheme through a virtual meeting.

With the struggle to be eligible for an extra game, the European league organization is withstanding the transformation from 6 to 10 games in the group stage. Lars character Olsson, a chairman of the European league, has agreed to back up the plan. He said that it would be nothing but adjusting another four dates in the busy schedule.

Getting away with a new league plan had always escaped eventually in the past 20 years, especially when the club proposed changes in the program and wanted the champions League’s approval.

The UEFA and the clubs seem to increase the production of 180 group stage games instead of 96, which would be beneficial with the tv revenue and prize money. The proposed changes in plan is advantageous to both UEFA and the clubs. If executed systematically and in accordance with the proposed method, it may come out to be the right decision taken.

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